What would the USA look like if it went totalitarian ?
Tot(alitarian)Watch© keeps you up to speed on democracy’s decline– then you vote! Feel free to write us with new indicators.
TotWatch© is a public service of donkeyschool.com. And now, the latest indicators:
1) President-elect Trump asks the Senate to recess at the beginning of his term so he can appoint a cabinet, “Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States” without the pesky “Advice and Consent” of the Senate required in the US Constitution, Article II Section 2.
This is not unconstitutional. It takes advantage of the loophole in Article II Section 3. And there’s every reason to believe that the new Senate would rubberstamp his appointments anyway. But the principle established is: Use the Constitution itself to strip away democracy’s checks and balances
2)President-elect Trump plans a “Warrior Board” to identify and fire military leaders who have advanced a “woke agenda” or otherwise acted disloyal. The draft executive order targets senior officers “lacking in requisite leadership qualities” for dismissal without bothersome Pentagon judicial processes.
Source: https://thehill.com/policy/defense/4987537-trump-draft-executive-order-would-set-up-board-to-oust-generals-report/
3) Tulsi Gabbard, Director of National Intelligence
4) Attorney General Matt Gaetz